Everything in the universe revolves round Value. The worth of anything is determined by the value embedded in that thing. Your commitment to a particular course is proportional to your expected value return.
On this note, I welcome you to Moment of Liberation 2019. This year, our teaching series will be coming inform of monthly themes and I will not be the only author. For the month of February 2019, our focus will be on *Values* and I will begin today with what is called *Intrinsic Value*.
Intrinsic Value implies that, naturally, without addition to you, education, morals, in your raw state at birth, you have value and you are valuable.
Permit me to say that no one, I mean, no man is born without values innate in them. Expectation is a value determinant. Someone had to wait for 9months and go through the pain of labour just to get you here, there must be a reason for that.
Howbeit, that everyone has value does not implies that everyone will be valued.
No one can value you if you first, do not value yourself. The lens at which you view yourself matters so much to how people view you.
Permit me to say that, no one will be ready to value you, support you, commit to you, when you don't expose your values. There is something you have got that is needed out there, but if you don't discover it, it will lay fallow.
As you step into the world today, learn to bring out those values in you. Learn to communicate your values, let everything you do speak of your value. Value yourself, value your existence.
Until you value yourself, you cannot make your existence worth it.
Until you learn to value yourself, you won't be able to know what you ought to pursue or neglect.
Until you value yourself, you won't stop the abuse and misuse of yourself.
Until you value yourself, then will value be placed on you.
The extent to wish you value yourself determines how you confidently go about your daily activities, business and how you relate with people.
God willing, I will return at midweek with another exciting topic on Value.
I am Oluwatobi Esan, Living Legend they call me, no one is more important than you in the universe.
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