Good morning to you all, welcome to today's edition of Moment of Liberation.

The topic before us today is "Value Chain". It is expected that after knowing for a fact that you have values innate in you, that value cannot survive in isolation.

Your value must transcend to others. Your value must register in the subconsciousness of people, so that when they are in need of such value, you become there point of contact.

To make this happen, you must learn to value people. Everyone tends to be with people who value them.

In valuing other people, you increase your network. when your network increases, your net worth also increase.

 The extent at wish you will go in life is not how competitive you are but how complementary you can be.

When you compete always it becomes the survival of the fittest, but when you complement, it becomes survival of the ethos.

What you need is in someone's hand ready to be offered, and what you have to offer is what someone else needs. We must help each other grow and connect.

Learn to show love and kind gesture to people, greeting is an essential part of life.

Those your old school mates, your old street mate, your present friends, learn to greet them at interval. Let them know there existence matters to you.

Don't be to proud to learn and don't be to inferior to know.

Nigeria is where she is today because we are a people too confidential and bureaucratic over nothing.

Don't look down on people not to associate with them and don't look to high on people to get close to them. Learn to create time to attend to everyone that needs your attention.

Zig Ziglar  said, "you can have everything in life if you want; if you will just help other people get what they need".
