Your Situation is not your Reality by Olukanni Victoria

I will start by defining the two key terms:
Power and Thought

Power is the ability to influence or control, and Thought is the product of the mind,  something that is being created in the mind.

The power of thought is then the ability for that which is being created in the mind to influence or control us.
That which is being created in our mind, our thought has the ability to control our total lives.

 Our thought can either make or mar us.  Our thought has the ability to destroy or repair our lives.

Our thoughts are either negative or positive. Negative thoughts destroy and mar lives whereas positive thoughts make and shapen lives.

Also never let unpleasant situations and circumstances around you influence your thought negatively, rather use them as a stepping stone to have positive thoughts that will make and shapen your life.

 Imagine a child growing up in an unfavourable environment, no adequate parental care, no good educational system, and what clouds the child's mind is that he will never grow to be something in life,  his thoughts are filled with so many negativities and if nothing is done about it, he is likely to spend the rest of his life being controlled by the negative thoughts created in his mind.

I charge you today never to allow situations around you create negative thoughts in your mind and most importantly never give negative thoughts the ability to control your life as it is capable of destroying your life but rather be controlled by positive thoughts that is capable of making and shapening your live.

Finally,  note that you are what you think.Think greatness, you become great.  Think mediocrity you remain a mediocre.

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