Why focus more on getting the idea with your name than making the idea a reality.

That is just the problem! Its your idea and you have been on it for years without any positive results. Why not partner with someone to make it work.

You want it to be your personal business; I understand you, but why not partner with someone to start up first and when it is big enough you can both part.

Great stuffs are not achieved in isolation. You know mark right! The  founder of facebook? He never invented Facebook alone, go read how he started.

Of course you know google came up via partnering.

You have toiled too much on doing it alone. Two heads are better than one.

I quite understand your fears that your ideas can be stolen or hijacked, but instead of wasting time on it, why not spend time on doing things that will help preserve it and at the same time accommodate others.

Successful people are know for collaborating to achieve task.

Maybe I have just given you what you should do in 2019.

Oluwatobi Esan is my name and I am the last Legend still living.

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