You were once a stranger in the universe. Everyone you have in your life today were once strangers to you the same way you were a stranger to them.

The universe is programmed to succeed out of unverified trust.

If you have to relate with only those you know and can trust, then you will never advance in life.

Yes, the nation is terrible, but then we still have to imbibe the attribute of fidelity if we will ever advance.

We must stop the unnecessarily suspicion of people.

We cannot grow without trust. You cannot be all in all.

As a business person, a worker in public and private sector, you must imbibe fidelity as a core virtue.

Nothing prosper in doubt.

You have to trust your co- workers, your subordinate, your employee if you will ever be successful in what every you are doing.

Partnership don't work in an atmosphere filled with doubt and suspicion.

If you know you can't trust that person, then don't partner with them. Don't work with them. Don't do business with them.

Man should not be used as a means to an end, man is an end in itself. Hence you have to consciously trust.

Thank you all for the month of April.

I remain the last Legend that is still living; Oluwatobi Esan.

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