*Moment of Liberation*
*Topic: Take the Risk*
Happy first Sunday of February.
Nothing is as constant as change, hence all observation can only be probabilistic. Why waste time trying to know the end when you are yet to start?
Faith they say without work is dead.
You cannot determine how far you can go until you take the risk to start.
Excuses are nails used to build the house of failure
*Your excuses for not starting or failing are the same reason that inspires someone to start and succeed*
Failures are those who do nothing not those who fail.
Life will not reward you for having hands and brain, life will only reward you for using them.
*It Always seems impossible until it is done- Nelson Mandela*
*Courage is like a muscle, we strengthen it by use*
Mistake is the hall mark of successful people.
It's the second month already
*Inspire yourself*
*Take the risk*
*Start the Business*
*Start working on those abandoned projects*
*You can't afford to remain the same*
*Be desperate to change your status*
*Read that book*
*Quit that job to start yours if need be*
Faith is risky
Purposeful people take risk
*I Teach Purpose*
*Living Legend*
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