*Moment of Liberation*
*Topic: The Consumer*
Consumption decreases the inherent value of a commodity.
*Consumers are always at the mercies of producers.*
*Consumers are not decision takers, their choices are based on established given.*
The consumer mentality is never a challenging mentality. It does not lead to progress. The consumer mentality increases the dependency ration.
_Have you ask yourself this question? If the lock down extends for 6months, how well can you sustain yourself without crashing?_
One thing we must take away from this situation is, there is no substitute to saving and investment.
Every great men today, invest more than they consume.
_Even the bible say, a good man leaves inheritance for his children's children_
Note: children's children, not just children. He said he leaves it, that means he has the ability not to have left it, and leaving it was never because of abundance.
*_For you not to get consumed, you must consume less._*
For contact, booking of speaking engagement or inquiry: +2347039587205
*I Teach Purpose*
*Living Legend*
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